Fearsome Four Pawns Attack - Konikowski & Soszynski
Facing the King's Indian?
Take No Prisoners!
Here are 18 chapters covering the principal variations with some rarer sidelines mentioned in the Introduction.
In addition, there are 63 fully-annotated games illustrating the tactical and other nuances of the Attack.
The King's Indian has long been one of Black's sharpest defenses to 1.d2-d4.
This Chess Book deals with one of the most aggressive systems against this popular defense.
The logic of the system is quite simple: With f2-f4 White stakes a maximal claim in the center, which he will follow up by an attack on the enemy king.
Of course, Black has a lot of defensive possibilities, but must play with a feel for the positions and, above all, know the theory well.
Otherwise White will quickly grab the initiative, and Black may find himself on the wrong end of a blistering, direct attack on the King.